My Animation + Update

So, I’ve finally turned my first traditional animation in a gif. It didn’t take as much time as I thought it would had; I got it done in about three minutes. Anyways, this it is:


I might had said this already in a pervious post, but just to remind you: my whole class had a part in drawing the frames. We were assigned two objects to draw; one of the objects would transform into the other in some way. I was assigned to draw a teddy bear transforming into a hammer. Afterwards, we took photos of every frames and our professor edited it into a movie.

I also have another one to show you. It’s another animation that I made in class and I turned it into a gif. For this one, I worked in a small group; there were different groups doing different things. The theme for this project was growth. I’ve added some sound effects to the movie, but they didn’t transfer into the gif. It’s too bad because I think you guys would like the sound effects that I picked. Anyways, here it is:


I’m sorry if this one is too fast. I tried my best to slow it down while I was editing it.

We’re in the middle of starting a new animation. I think this one will be the last one we’re make in class. We’re working in small groups again. For this project, we had to work with paper cut-outs. We can do whatever we want so long as we use cut-outs. As soon as we finish with the movie, I’ll make it into a gif and share it with you guys.

Now for some updates.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, so I’ll mention it now: I’m turning “Winnie Wisdom: Reporter Extraordinaire” into a TV show. I’ve tried turning it into a novel, but as I was writing it, I found that I wasn’t feeling happy with it. I just feel that a TV show will be a better fit. Besides, I’ve already got a few ideas about episodes. I also already know how I want the show to be like. I was thinking it could be like that old show, “Murder she Wrote”. Of course, it would be animated, so it would be more like the “Scooby-Doo” series. I’m still working on developing the show and the characters, so expect more updates on that.

Also, I was thinking of doing something based off of the “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” series. I’m still working on it, but the basic idea is this: the parents of a young woman are gone and now she needs to take care of her younger sister, who spends most of her time playing an online game. One day, when she tried to stop her sister from playing, the game takes both of them into an alternate reality called “Wonderland” where a monster called “the Jabberwocky” must be defected.

I have a few ideas of where I want the story to go, but I’m not sure if it should a TV show or a novel. If I was to make a novel out of it, I think it should be a graphic novel, just because I would want to add visuals to the story. Really, I think it would make for a great TV show; it could be the type of show that both young and old people would watch.

I’ll have to end the post here; I have an appointment.

Will post again soon.

Have a nice day.

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